So a new year started and I hope everyone had an amazing start into 2014. Do you remember back in 2012 some of us actually thought the world was going to end an we didn't even think of 2013 and now we have 2014? :D
I am usually not a big fan of new years resolution but this year I decided to make some. So first of all I really want to lose weight and like lose it for good and not just for a week or two and then start eating loads of sweets again. So for that I will have to start to eat healthy (ugh) and do some exercise.... god help me :O
Second I really want to visit my host family. So Iwill have to get of my lazy ass and book the flight... I should be able to do that I suppose :P
Another one is since I am doing my "Abitur" ( german Exams) next year I really want to start studying and preparing myself so that I won't sit there two weeks before the exams trying to earn all the stuff we learned in the past two years.
I have like a fourth one but I am not quite sure about it. Like I am a really sarcastic person and I often complain about a lot of things. Like my friends can handle it but I think it might scare other people of like so that they don't want to get to know me or it makes them think I m a really unfriendly person. Like on the one hand I want to change that so like I don't know..become nicer and stop shouting out my opinion on something without thinking about it, but than on the other hand somehow that is a part of me and I mean every book every friggin TV show tells the audience to "be yourself" and don't change for other people. People who know me might suprise that but I really thought about that a lot and I decided that I'll try to be like friendly and understanding and all but only as long as it is like reasonable. So if I don't like a person I won't start doing everything so that this person likes me. Like I know that not everyone likes me and I am ok with that because I don't think there is one person in the world everyone likes.
Ok these resolutions aren't great or something but I think it's important that I am actually able to do them. I mean whats the point of saying this year I want to whatever travel the world whenI don't even have the money for it?
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