Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

Collin is gone now :(( Well, I know that I'll see him again in Germany but still it is very sad because it is ever going to be the same like here again. He really was one of my best friends here. Antonia is going next Saturday and I will bring her with her host family to the airport.

Since I am here I appreciate Germany so much more. Don't get me wrong!! I love it here and I love my host family and friends and all of that. It is just little things that happen and then you are like " Thank God I am German and we do it in a different way!" I started to listen a lot to German music and all of that. But it is not like that I really want to go home. I actually wouldn't mind staying a second year but my parents don't allow it. Anyway since I am here I noticed that these little things you do at home or other people do for you that are normal to you so you just take them as granted, but when you are going into a different culture you start to miss them. And if it is just a hug from your mum!!
But no matter how bad my homesickness is or how much I am going to miss Antonia and Collin I'll be always glad that I have the chance to experience this here!! And I am so thankful that I got such an amazing host family. They have their mistakes, but I couldn't imagine a better one for me!!

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