Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Wuhuuu... guess what guyyysss :)) I have 90% in the Science test!! That's an A+ !! I am so proud and I can't wait until I can skype with my family in Germany to tell them!!
Furthermore I have 10 days Holidays now and on Wednesday is Halloween.. soo nice :)
And my friends are going to send me a pack and my mum is also going to send me one and I guess I will get this one in one or two weeks:) So all in all it was a great week.
I still like it here in Ireland and I am living with my host family since two months now.!!
I really couldn't have a better host family!! Love them all!!!!  But of course I miss my real family even know when Christmas time is coming closer. But I think this is normal:)

Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012

Science test -> ahoi!!

Jesus... I was so happy when I finished 10th grade in Germany last school year, that I never have to do Biology again.
But shit happens, we have "Science" here and this means for the first third Biology...
And I am, not lying I am really really bad at Biology in Germany and now I have to do all this in english...

Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012

Paranormal Activtiy 4... :O

I am so proud of myself. Yesterday I watched Paranormal Activity 4 and I am still alive.
Actually it was not too bad. I mean it was very scary, but I didn't had nightmares after this or something. But I am glad that I could walk home with my host brother.. I think I would have been so scared on my way home when I had to walk home alone.
I hadn't see any of the other Paranormal films before so it was really frightening for me but people who saw the other parts said that they were better.. so I am not going to watch the other parts. But I have to admit that it is actually fun to watch a Horror movie with a lot of people in the cinema. When just the people in the back row would stop talking during the whole movie....
So I can recommend the movie :) Even for girls like me who are scared very is not too bad :)

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012

Rock me, Mama ;)

Oh my God I had such a great weekend :)
Well, lets say great Saturday. On Friday I didn't really do anything, but on Saturday I had a sleepover at a friends house and we went to the 18th Birthday of a girl I don't know, but she invited everybody, and after this we went to town and just sat in the Pub for another little while. It was so nice and then we made Pancakes for breakfast *_*

This is the song we heard a lot of times at the weekend.. it is sooo nice!! I really love it at  the moment :D :D

Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

Well as you can see I survived the visit at the hairdresser :)
The hairdresser here is really good and I think she did a good job and I really liked that I really just had to pay the price she said me before and I didn't have to charge extra for every little thing for example when they do the layers with a knife. :)
And we have ICT now and I am a kind of bored so I uploaded these lovely webcam pictures of me and Anika :P




Montag, 8. Oktober 2012

ahhh...I hate the phone companies!!!
I uploaded 20 € at my phone about two weeks ago and today in Lunch break i couldn't write text messages anymore. so I went to the shop complaining and they told me that I had only 20ct left. They didn't tell me that I have to write a free message to a number every time when I top up. So I thought that I had free text and managed it somehow to spend 20€ (!!!) in about two weeks.. maybe three but this wouldn't make it any better!! grrr....

Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012

Thank God this week is nearly over!!

Well.. to make my weird week perfect, my host family locked me yesterday out (not on purpose).
I watched a DVD yesterday night at a friends house and when I came home the door was locked. I tried to ring the bell, but it wasn't working. Then I tried to call the house phone and the phone of my sister, but both didn't work. I slowly started to panic then and went around the house to try to go in to the back door but it was also locked. 
Because I had no other opportunity I knocked at the door then very loudly and FINALLY my host mum came to open me. I was so happy!! ( If my host mum is ever reading this: I am NOT angry at you!! :) )

I also go to the hairdresser today. Actually I think it isn't a good idea..  after this week she will maybe colour my hair green or whatever..

But at the Weekend is a food festival in our town and that is perfect for me, because I love eating good things :D:D So I am pretty normal.. just sometimes I am not very lucky! :D:D

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012

exploring the ground of the dining hall

Aaaaannd..again I embarrassed myself !!
In the small break we were sitting in the dining hall chatting and eating. When the bell rang I stood up, but then I realised that I can sit down again, because our teacher said that we can wait in the dining hall for her. So I sat down.. the only problem was that my chair wasn't there anymore. So I sat down at the ground in the middle of the dining hall.... awesome!! -.-''
The girl who was sitting next to me said that she didn't move the chair, but I actually think she did. Not on purpose and I guess she didn't even realised it, but when I "sat" down it felt like the chair moved.... so it doesn't matter anyway.. because after all it was funny :) And now I have something to write in my Blog:))

Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012

Considering to change my name!!

So I know that I already posted something today but I need to tell you this:
For school we have to order a school jacket and on this jacket is our name. We are not allowed to wear any other jacket if we are wearing our school uniform. So I ordered it two weeks ago and went to the front office today to get it.
The Jacket was there bit they spelled my name wrong so instead of "Koch" as my last name they wrote "Kock"....
I don't have to say anything more except of that since I am here some people pronounce my first name as "German"... so in the end I am "german (c)ock" or what??!!

Trip to the "Omagh folk Park"

As I told you, I did a trip to "Omagh Folk Park" in Northern Ireland with my Coordinator and her group of exchange students. The Park was okay. We could see the old buildings where the people lived in in earlier times.But it was nice because of the people who were with me.
Because my host mum doesn't have a car, the father of another exchange student brought me there. And this was just horrible!!! Not because of the father, he was very nice, but the street up to my Coordinators house is very bumpy and went up and down all the time. Furthermore the father was driving very fast and I was sitting in the back of the car. Oh my god I got so sick! I never was that sick because a car ride or something in years!! And when we arrived the house of my Coordinator we discovered that we have to meet in the middle of the village which was another 2km away....
When we finally arrived at the bus which was supposed to bring us to the Folk park, I needed to stand outside in the fresh air for a while and believe me.. it is pretty embarrassing when you have to sit in the very front of the bus and you get bags from people who care about you if it is getting worse. I am not saying that they shouldn't have given me the bags.. I mean it was possible that it was getting worse and it showed that they worry about me but I hate it when everybody is staring at me and when I get too much attention :) This is stupid I know but this is just the way I am.
But anyway: It was a nice day and I am glad that I joined the Trip and after a little time I wasn't sick anymore and my Coordinator brought me home , so I didn't need to drive with the father back again.

One of the old buildings

An old school -> Our schools don't seem to be so bad now, do they?